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Your upper mouth consists of two parts:

1) The hard palate, which runs from the back of your upper teeth inward. It is very hard and inflexible.

2) The soft palate, which connects to your hard palate and runs all the way back to the top of your throat area and ends up connecting to the uvula (the little flap you see hanging in the back of your mouth).

The primary purpose of the soft palate is to close off your nasal breathing passages when you eat, drink, or sneeze, or for other reasons. It is, therefore, heavily involved in the airflow through your breathing passages.

As we can see, it doesn’t matter if it is the soft palate, the uvula, or other soft tissues around that area that create the exact snoring sound. An inflexible and weak soft palate creates a blockage in your breathing passage that leads to snoring.

Uvula surgeries and other alterations of the soft palate area were very popular for a while, but they were proven completely useless and are mostly obsolete now.

Today, there are several less invasive methods that deal with dysfunction in the soft palate. I’ll explain them in detail if your personal snoring and sleep apnea self-test reveals this to be your main issue.